Weeden Manufacturing named several engines as well as some of the steamboats. The "Cornish Beam Engine", "The Favorite", The Mighty-Mite" and the famous "Big Giant" are some examples.

Steamboats were a mix of names and numbers, numbers only and names only such as the "Water Witch" and the "Porter".

Weeden Cornish Beam Engine

Thanks Rick M.

The Cornish Beam Engine was introduced in 1888 and produced until 1894. Base is 6 1/2" X 3 1/2" and it stands 5 1/2" high.

Weeden Favorite

Thanks Steamrgene

Thanks Steamrgene

Thanks Steamrgene

"The Favorite" was sold as a stand alone engine and also equipped as, "The Favorite Pile-Driver", "The Favorite Steam Derrick" and the "Favorite Steam Force Pump". Introduced in 1880 and produced into mid 1890's

Weeden Favorite Derrick

Thanks NETTE Auctions

The Weeden Favorite Derrick features a lever to put the winch in and out of gear without stopping the engine. Stands 12" high, base is 5 3/4" X 4 1/2", in typical Favorite colors with a red beam. Introduced in the early 1890's and produced for only a few years.

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Weeden Favorite Force Pump

Thanks Morphy Auctions

Thanks Steamrgene

The Weeden Favorite Force Pump will throw a six foot stream of water at normal speed. Introduced in early 1890's and produced into mid 1890's. Base is 5 3/4" X 4 1/2" and it stands 5 3/4" high.

Weeden Favorite Pile Driver

Thanks Steamrgene

Weeden pile driverThanks Bob Z.

Thanks Bob Z.

Thanks Bob Z.

The Weeden Favorite Pike Driver was capable of actually driving small nails. Introduced in early 1890's and continued into mid 1890's. Base is 5 3/4 X 4 1/2" and stood 13" high.


Weeden Rotary

Weeden Rotary Steam Engine
Thanks Russ S.

The Weeden Rotary was introduced in 1899 and produced into 1910, base 8 1/2" X 6", stands 7 3/4" high. Boiler is polished steel, base is grey with gold edge, firebox is maroon. Features a Rotary Keleidoscope .

Weeden Mighty-Mite

Thanks Rob M.
Thanks Rob M.

Montgomery Ward and Company - Weeden Mighty-Mite
Introduced in 1927 made for sale exclusively by Montgomery Ward.  It is a small and very fast engine that sold for $1.50.  It had a "Bowman" style burner and a sister engine was made in England.  Production ceased in 1931.